WX Spotter Track, by KB9JHU
Click here for the project page (downloads, etc)
click here for a basic screenshot
WX Spotter Track is an application to help track Amateur Radio weather spotters. The program is meant to be used by Net Control or another individual designated to keep track of checkins.
The application is built in Java and utilizes the OpenMap framework for GIS applications. This is in the beginning stages of development, so I do not have any file releases yet, however, if you would like a copy of the current testing version, please e-mail me (KB9JHU) at cshields2 at sourceforge dot net along with what counties that your watch area covers and I will send you a copy.
Current features
- Map navigation with basic GIS functionality
- Spotters of 3 types (base, mobile, and HT) can be added to the street map as virtual "pushpins"
- When adding a spotter for the first time, detailed information can be added such as name, address, telephone, and other notes
- Spotters are saved once they are added, and in future weather nets can be "checked in" with one click
- Weather reports can be added to the map, and are represented by color-coded circles used by NWS (blue for wind, green for hail, red for tornado).
- The spotter layer and weather reports layer can both be turned on or off (shown or hidden) independently
- Export current map view to jpg or png
- Hovering the mouse over streets will popup the street name, over spotters will popup the spotter's callsign, and over weather reports will give a brief on that report
Features that are planned but not added yet
- New icons, because my icon skills are not even skills by any means
- "Net Record" - start the net with the touch of a button, then all actions are "recorded" until you press stop, much like a tape player. WX Spotter Track will then generate a report of the events for your records and for NWS. These reports could be in a number of different formats (HTML for one example) but will probably be stored in XML to provide for use in future applications as well.
- "Damage Layer" - When the weather net turns into a damage control and cleanup net, use damage pushpins to track and locate the damage along with volunteers, Red Cross, etc.
- Auto-placement by address - Instead of having to place each spotter on the map, have the application accurately place the spotter for you by locating the spotter's address (would not work for mobile spotters, of course)
- APRS support - Have the application automatically track the location of mobile spotters who are broadcasting their location via APRS. APRS Weather stations could be integrated somehow as well.
- much more!
License / Credits / Support
WX Spotter Track is open source software and is free to use and tinker with. If you would like to help with the project, please let me know. I am also looking for any kind of sponsorship I can get, but hopefully in equipment, as right now I do not have any APRS-able gear to test with.
Special thanks to Josh, N9WEW for help with testing, ideas, and brainstorming.
E-mail cshields2 at sourceforge dot net.
Last updated: 5/8/03